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Increase Sales with MotoLister's New OEM Fitment Catalog

While browsing through eBay's powersport part sellers, it came to our attention that not many powersport part sellers utilize eBay's compatibility chart feature. In fact, eBay's data says that only 36% of motorcycle part sellers utilize fitment, 28% of ATV part sellers, 12% of PWC part sellers and only 17% of scooter and snowmobile part sellers utilize fitment. However, 75% of car part sellers are already utilizing eBay's fitment chart. We know that manually selecting fitment for each of your listings in eBay is extremely time consuming. Perhaps this is why so few sellers utilize the charts. However, that is one of the awesome features of MotoLister!

When you use MotoLister, no longer do you have to manually select the fitment for each part. MotoLister will do it for you! MotoLister Pro allows you the ability to enter in a part number and compatibility will be automatically generated for you based on that part number. It's that easy!

Why Use Compatibility Charts?

Many of the sellers that we browsed through were inputting compatibility in their descriptions of the parts. Unfortunately, when placing the compatibility in the description field of the listing, it is not directly searchable within eBay. That means that even though you did all that work to find compatibility, people searching for parts will not be able to find your part unless they search with keywords found in your title. However, if the seller would have taken the time to create an eBay compatibility chart or used MotoLister to auto-generate a compatibility chart, it would be directly searchable within eBay. This means more impressions for your listings and more sales.

How Will Using Compatibility Charts Increase Sales?

As mentioned in the last section, utilizing compatibility charts increases your impressions within eBay and therefore sales. We didn't want you to just take our word for it though, so we did some of our own research. Check out this case study:

Compatibility vs. No Compatibility

On April 21, 2017 the team here at MotoLister broke down 2 motorcycles, both of them were 2008 Honda CBR1000RRs in good working condition with comparable mileage. We listed all parts off of both motorcycles on the same day. On one motorcycle, we utilized MotoLister's OEM fitment catalog to auto-generate compatibility charts within eBay. On the other motorcycle, we did not use any compatibility charts. Here were our results:

Compatibility Charts

This chart reveals the number of items sold with compatibility vs. no compatibility. As you can see by day 18, only 11 items had sold with no compatibility and 19 items had sold with compatibility. Now let's look at the net sales during this time.

Again we see that utilizing the compatibility charts on your listings clearly gives them an advantage. By day 18, we had sold $3,000 worth of parts from the listings with compatibility vs. only $600 of parts from listings with no compatibility.

We will continue to follow these sales trends and will provide another update in a few weeks on sales from each motorcycle.

How to Use MotoLister's OEM Fitment Catalog to Generate Compatibility Charts

MotoLister Pro allows you to use part numbers to generate an automatic fitment chart within eBay. Click here to see what is in the OEM Fitment Catalog. To take advantage of this feature, simply upgrade to MotoLister Pro and when listing, enter in the part number on the conditions page of MotoLister or use a suggested MPN and list your part! The part compatibility chart will now be included in your listing.


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